The power of the internet not only lies in the ability to access information quickly, but also through the ability to make connections and collaborate with people all over the world. Do an internet search on weight loss blogs, and you will find millions of results, many times complete with pictures and weekly weigh-ins. The ability to connect with people quickly and easily has allowed people to build instant support networks for their weight loss programs.

And the big names in weight loss are noticing, too. Weight Watchers allows members to complete their program completely online, and was the first to be available only online. Advances in technology allow interactive tools to aid in even greater weight loss. Start with an online evaluation, where the results are used to build the dieter???s program. Other tools include BMI calculators, calorie counters, online journals, goal trackers and more. Many report quick weight loss because of the range of support and tools available to help them on their journey. Forums, where members can interact with and encourage each other tend to be the most popular. There is also a certain anonymity that comes along with using the internet, where it is not quite as embarrassing as facing people in the real world.

But for the individual user, blogging is the most popular way to share their story with the world. A blog is simple and free to create, and can be customized to tell your story any way you like. There are online journals, for more detail visit where people record what they do and eat daily. Many times there is a weigh-in at the end of the week, complete with pictures, allowing a person to see the results. Other versions are like mini-magazines, with daily articles. Both versions usually allow readers to comment, and the site owner has the ability to moderate as much as they want.

If you are seeking support for your weight loss but are too embarrassed or busy to find a face-to-face support group, you might want to consider using the internet to help you in your journey. You can start a blog for free almost anywhere; Blogger or Word press tends to be the most popular. Be sure to write daily this helps keep you accountable for your progress and what you did today to help you with your weight loss. Be sure to keep the focus on one topic. Losing weight is a great topic because it is so broad. Some choose to focus on healthy eating, for more detail visit while other may discuss natural weight loss methods and supplements such as hoodoo. Read the blogs of others for inspiration, and comment on articles you find helpful. Soon you will find that you have started your own little online community.

There are online journals, where people record what they do and eat daily. Many times there is a weigh-in at the end of the week, complete with pictures, allowing a person to see the results. Other versions are like mini-magazines, with daily articles. Both versions usually allow readers to comment, and the site owner has the ability to moderate as much as they want.

online blogging


Irom Rabichand is providing individual counseling, group facilitation, and key note addresses . Also an experienced home based business owner who offers many Internet marketing opportunities that can help any one succeed that speak to the heart of the mission while delivering the bottom line financial growth. You can see his opportunities at

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